Will you be proven ‘Clean as a Hound’s Tooth’ or ‘In the Soup’?
The Murder Mystery Company, as seen on ABC’s “Shark Tank”, is proud to present their award-winning murder mystery dinner in NYC at Carmine’s Times Square location.
This exciting new show is written by Scott Cramton, featuring ground breaking original songs and lyrics by Tom Fitzstephens, Dave Cowie and Gavin Brown.
Step back in time to the 1920’s for a dinner held at the Lou Zar Speakeasy. Alcohol may be ‘prohibited’ (who follows that silly out rule anyway?), but murder is not. Act as a suspect or work as a detective and find out who took a member of the mob for a ride.
Join us for a dinner show near you in New York City and dine on a three-course meal while watching a mystery unfold before your eyes. Dressing up in 1920’s attire is recommended, but not required. Awards are given out at the end of the night for ‘Best Dressed’, ‘Best Actor or Actress’, and ‘Detective of the Night’!

Someone was murdered at the Lou Zar Speakeasy—will you be able to solve the crime before time runs out?

Never been to a murder mystery dinner show and curious what will unfold?
Here's a rundown of what to anticipate after you’ve settled in with your meal.
Step 1: Assigning Roles.
As you arrive an find your seats, our actors will begin mingling with guests. They'll select 8-12 attendees to act as 'suspects' (maybe even one of the suspects above!), identifiable by unique accessories and nametags. Keep an eye on them; one is the 'murderer'! If you’re not a 'suspect', you’ll take on the role of a 'detective', tasked with scrutinizing the scenes and interrogating suspects during investigation periods.
Step 2: The Performance Kicks Off.
The excitement escalates as the 'murder' occurs—rest assured, it’s all for show (even if it all feels real!) The show spans three acts, providing multiple opportunities to observe interactions and gather clues.
Step 3: Crack the Case!
It’s time to decide 'whodunit'. Collaborate with your tablemates to piece together who had the motive, opportunity, and means to commit the crime. Keep in mind, there is only one correct answer for each show—your guess needs to meet all three of these criteria in order to be our killer!
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